Below you will find Kook’s contact information in english. KOOK Management offers companies and creators a different perspective on the market. We have experience in improving funnels, reaching target groups, improving customer interaction, and supporting, communicating and developing services in creative industries. Applying new creative services leaves the best trace for the target client group. We care, apply, and lead.
Bottle mail is rarely found. Contact. Listen. Call! Or contact Whatsapp in the lower-right corner of the page.
Kook Management contact information:
Tel: +358 (0) 451264071 / Arto Kunnola
Email / Email: asiakaspalvelu ( at ) kookmanagement.fi
Video conferencing link ( ZOOM ): @kookmngmt
Also follow kook #SOME:
Facebook: @kookmngmt
Instagram: @kookmngmt
Twitter: @kookmngmt
Youtube: @kookmngmt
Kook Visions: kook.smugmug.com
Invoicing contact information:
KOOK Management Ltd
Business ID (VAT): FI291393131
E-invoice address: 003729139313 BIC: OKOYFIHH
Domicile: Kaarina, Finland
The company’s privacy and data protection policy can be found here.